Quai Network Airdrop. Testnet.





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🚀 Quai Network is this cool new setup for making blockchains way more efficient. Quai’s game plan is all about rocking the latest in blockchain sharding tech and using this fresh Proof-of-Work 2.0 thing.

💰 They bagged a cool $10 million from big names like Polychain Capital, Alumni Ventures Group, Jets Capital, AZA Ventures, and others.

🌐 They just rolled out their testnet, and guess what? We get to deploy a contract and snag some free drops for it.

Here’s the game plan:

Download the Pelagus wallet

Hit up the faucet, grab your address and ask for a test token

  • You can request 1 token every 2 minutes
  • Make sure to turn off any other wallet extensions so Pelagus Wallet works smooth.
  • Go here and connect your Pelagus wallet
  • Enter any token data and deploy it

After the transaction, don’t forget to copy and save the contract address in your notes.

Head over here and deploy an NFT don’t forget to copy and save the contract address in your notes.

In the “Metadata URI” field, paste any URL with an image and save the contract address.

Interact with your contract here:

  • Set “Contract Type” to “Token Interactor.”
  • Paste your token contract address in “Contract address.”
  • In “Mint,” type “1” and hit “renounceOwnership”. If you hit an error, refresh the page and try again. If it’s still no go, try later.
  • For the NFT:
  • Set “Contract Type” to “NFT Interactor.”
  • Paste your NFT contract address in “Contract address.”
  • In “mint,” pop in your Pelagus address and press “MINT”.

🛠️ If stuff doesn’t work, don’t sweat it—just do what you can. In the faucet, you can request test tokens every 2 minutes. Aim to snag at least 10 for future stuff and try to repeat the steps from this post on at least 5 different days.

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