Hyperlane Activity Guide for Airdrop





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Hyperlane (https://twitter.com/Hyperlane_xyz) is a modular blockchain that helps developers connect DApps across different blockchains. Think of it as a “blockchain bridge,” similar to L0 and Wormhole.

Hyperlane collaborates closely with top projects like Celestia, Eigenlayer, and Altlayer. It raised $18.5 million in a SEED round from Variant, Galaxy Digital, CoinFund, Circle, Figment, Blockdaemon, Kraken Ventures, and NFX. This initial funding round suggests more investment rounds might follow.

Important: Spread out your activities over several weeks. Avoid completing all actions in a single day, and if using multiple accounts, vary your actions slightly.

🟦 Is Hyperlane a Cross-Chain Bridge?

Not exactly. Cross-chain bridges are just one of the many potential uses of Hyperlane’s technology. Hyperlane receives data in one network and then forms transactions in another. However, the protocol doesn’t transfer your liquid tokens; it only passes instructions to operate contracts across different networks.

When you initiate a transaction, you’re indicating a desire to interact with a smart contract in another network. Hyperlane relays this information to a corresponding smart contract in the target network. This creates a chain of inter-network messages between two smart contracts containing the necessary information.

🟦 Protocols Built on Hyperlane

Understanding Hyperlane’s technology reveals that the most unique factor is the number of networks in which you interact with Hyperlane’s smart contracts, rather than the volume of liquidity used.

🔵 Standard Anti-Sybil Criteria Still Apply

  • Transactions on the Ethereum Mainnet and a balance of at least 0.01 $ETH.
  • Number of days/months interacting with the protocol.
  • Intervals of interaction with Hyperlane, meaning you shouldn’t use all possible bridges at once; spread out your activities over several months.
  • Activity in different L2 blockchains, including the amount of gas burned and other traces of real user behavior.

By following these guidelines, you can make the most of Hyperlane’s protocol and increase your chances of qualifying for potential airdrops or rewards.

Where to Show Activity in Hyperlane?

usenexus.org TIA

  • Go to Usenexus Bridge: Usenexus
  • Connect MetaMask and Keplr wallets 🔗
  • Bridge TIA from Arbitrum to Neutron: Leave some TIA in Neutron for gas fees.
  • Open Keplr Wallet: Find the received TIA and bridge them to Celestia via IBC Send 🌉

🔄 Repeat this cycle starting in the Manta network.

usenexus.org ECLIP

  • Go to Usenexus Bridge: Usenexus
  • Connect MetaMask and Keplr wallets 🔗
  • Bridge ECLIP from Arbitrum to Neutron and back 🌉


  • Buy INJ on a CEX: Withdraw to your Keplr wallet.
  • Go to Injective Bridge: Injective Bridge
  • Connect MetaMask and Keplr wallets 🔗
  • Bridge INJ from Injective to inEVM and back 🌉


  • Use hFT Bridge: hFT Bridge to mint tokens and bridge them across the cheapest networks: Base, Gnosis, Polygon, Celo, Moonbeam.
  • Use hNFT Bridge: hNFT Bridge to mint NFTs and bridge them across the same networks.


  • Create and mint hNFT: Getmint.io, then bridge them across networks.

Continue Engaging with Hyperlane


  • Go to Womex: Womex
  • Select Hyperlane 🔗
  • Mint and bridge NFT 💸
    • Costs: Mint $0.30 + Send $1

The Most Affordable Bridge on Hyperlane for EVM Networks

  • You can transfer hFT protocol tokens between 11 EVM blockchains using Phantom, which allows for 55 unique interactions with Hyperlane’s smart contracts.
  • You can also transfer NFTs using ZeroWay, which further increases the number of interactions with the protocol by using different data in each transaction.

⚠️ Avoid excessive minting of empty NFTs. Complete 1-2 transactions to appear legitimate and avoid spamming.


  1. Deposit in a pool from Base to Arbitrum: Superform
  2. Hold liquidity for a while, then withdraw 🔄
  3. Repeat in reverse: Deposit in a pool from Arbitrum to Base.

If you don’t have access to Superform:

  1. Go to Galxe: Galxe
  2. Complete tasks and claim OAT: Gain access to Superform.

Stay engaged and follow the project’s social media channels to keep up with updates! 📢

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