MilkyWay liquid staking on Celestia

🌌 First up, the first liquid staking on Celestia with a confirmed drop!

🥛 MilkyWay is all about liquid staking for $TIA coins. This project is hot off the press; as of April 30, 2024, they bagged $5 million in the Seed round from big names like Polychain Capital, Binance Labs, and others.

They’ve got this points system where you get points based on how many $TIA you’ve staked—like, one point per coin per day.

For the drop to mPoints holders, they’ve set aside 10% of the total token supply. So, toss in your $TIA with an eye on the base reward, kinda like what was done in EigenLayer.

🟢 Here’s how you add $TIA on MilkyWay:

  • Stake your $TIA coins, and in return, you get liquid tokens $mTIA.
  • Then throw your $mTIA into one of the projects.

💸 I’ll be chucking in $250 on each wallet to maximize the chances of hitting the criteria for the base reward if there is one.

🔵 You get bonus points for providing tokens in partner projects.

💧 Most of the time, you’re adding liquidity alongside $TIA, which ups the costs but check out Levana where you can stake just $mTIA.

Levana is all about perpetual futures:

  • Go to their site.
  • Hook up your Keplr wallet.
  • Hit the Deposit button.
  • They’ll offer you two deposit options with different yields and lock-up periods.
  • Pick the one you like and sign the transaction.

⚠️ Just to be clear, we’re not trading futures here, just adding $mTIA to stake and farm more points. Futures trading can be risky for your deposit!

🔵 Two ways to pull your $TIA tokens out of liquid staking on MilkyWay

  • Instant, but there’s a ~2% fee.
  • Fee-free, but you gotta wait 21-24 days.

📈 Crypto competition is heating up every day, so we’re diving deeper into the less obvious projects and ecosystems.

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